Monday 25 October 2010

The reality of the reality shows

My granddad at four must have run around the house and played with mud and twigs and goats all day long. My father at four must have been busy eating groundnuts, looking at older boys spin tops and fly kites all day long. At four I went to LKG in the morning and played with my neighbours in the evening. My son is four, he goes to LKG in the morning, does home work in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. And what does he watch on TV. Four year-olds dressed in designer wear sponsored by a textile giant, singing the latest movie numbers on a show sponsored by a communications giant. In the audience are their parents flinching at their every mistake and rejoicing at their every accomplishment.

What is the motivation? Money and fame! The two most notorious culprits that have dirtied every human endeavor. When money became the motivation for the medical profession, doctors became swindlers. When money became the motivation for educational institutions, teachers became commodities and students money wending machines. When fame became the motivation for news channels, News became dramatic and ‘exclusive reports’ became unbearably common. When money and fame became the motivation for the cinema industry, cinema ceased to be a vehicle of social reform.

May be these parents should stop and think. Its time these children got their childhood back. Many a student has skipped one whole academic year of education just to rehearse and participate in these reality shows. One year away from their friends, one year away from the comic books, one year away from the fun in class, and one year robbed off their childhood. Is that a justified trade-off? All the parents who send their children to these reality shows just want to realize their dreams through the child. So what if they spot talent? A wise parent only nurtures talent, never insists exhibition of the talent in a public forum. That is for the child to decide. This I think is the only way parents can let their children live a whole life. A life lived as execution of parents’ instructions is void and meaningless. I strongly recommend that all parents read about the damage Michael Jackson’s dad did to him by thrusting stardom on him. Especially those that have great singers and dancers for children, and intend to make them super singers or start singers and dancers.

If you want a house or a car or an LCD TV, or an i-Pod or a cell phone save up money and buy it. If you want your children to be stars just facilitate and let them live their lives. Actually each child is a star just like the numerous stars in the sky; each of them is unique and full of energy. Never try to use the reality shows to do either of these. As for the companies that sponsor, why not set an SMS chain in motion for the purpose of charity. I mean ask users to send multiple SMSs at the cost of the SMSs sent for voting purposes on reality shows. The revenue thus generated can go towards charity. The world will be a better place I am sure.

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