Thursday 21 February 2013

Can't wait for Spring

Nothing now is green but the lawn.
All the trees and plants look forlorn.
No birds that happily chirp or sing
Nothing but pigeons that cannot sing.

No colours but white, blue and brown.
Colours in the sky and of branches barren.
No squirrels, magpies or even a raven.
Nothing does our moods and hearts liven.

When will we see beautiful hues.
Budding flowers and sprouting leaves.
When will we hear the birdie's song.
Soon it will spring, the wait isn't long.

Give me Sunshine

Not the rain that pours and floods.
Not the drizzle that dampens spirits.
Not the overcast that gloomily looms.
Not the cloud that comes and goes.
Not the white snow that falls in flakes.
Not the fog that blinds my eyes.
But the sunshine that brightens-I ask.
For in it, my soul truly delights.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Were you there at your funeral?

They said you were the best of the best.
They said you were so full of life.
They said you touched many a life.
They said you were loved by all the rest.

They said you died much before your time.
They came by the hundreds to see your face.
They came with loads of the loveliest flowers.
They spoke of you in such charming rhyme.

No one dared to criticise you.
No one said anything bad.
No one spoke of flaws in you.
No one was there, that was not sad.

Your mum and dad were very grieved,
Your siblings- of you were very proud.
No one was present who was not bereaved.
No one was discourteous, impolite or loud.

Oh! How I wish you’d known,
So many for you would mourn.
Oh! How I wish you'd heard-their words
So sweet, when you had lived.