Tuesday 24 September 2013


You are in my thoughts everyday.
My son hears about you everyday.
That you are no longer here does not hurt.
But not being able to talk to you does hurt.
Every milestone, I wish- you could know.
May be you do- and that I do not know.
Birthdays, I suppose dont matter to you now.
Does anything matter at all to you now :).
Your birthday went by yesterday-Bringing to me
Found memories of you all day.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Oh common one

How do you grow where no one plants.
Why do you flower where no one looks.
How do you survive where no one waters.
Why do you live taking all sorts as neighbours.
How do you smile so sweetly when no one cares.
Why do you chose to grow on roofs and sidewalks.
How do you manage to hold your head up high.
When everyone ignores you and passes you by.

Thursday 18 April 2013

My Child

All things  to you are interest arousing.
Be it morning, noon, or evening.
The umteen number of questions you ask.
Make answering them quite a task.
How you love to question every convention.
How sweetly worded your every confession.
The excitement through the day you cannot keep.
Yet at night how deep and undisturbed your sleep.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Choose to be happy !

When we have been wrong and for it punished.
We can endure, but choose to be happy.
When we've been manipulated and deceived.
We can feel cheated, but choose to be happy.
When we have sinned and truly repent.
We can receive pardon and choose to be happy.
When we are constantly jeered-at and insulted.
We can ignore, and choose to be happy.
When we are in pain because of hurt or disesase.
We can writh in pain, but choose happy.
When we are oppressed and bullied.
We can protest, but choose to be happy.


To be unhappy is to hate ourselves and all else.
To be unhappy is to feel bound by all things.
To be unhappy is to be desperate for happiness.
To be happpy is to love ourselves in everyway.
To be happy is to feel bound by nothing.
To be happy is to cope and not be desperate.
To be sure God loves us and with us will stay.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Mrs.Thatcher died yesterday, Thatha

Its been five years you know, since you left here. Do they keep a count of time and years where you have gone? I won't know till I find out for myself, will I? A lot has happened in my own life since you left. Some you'd have loved to have witnessed, others not so pleasant, but nothing has happened that would have crushed you. I miss you much, but in a way I cant talk about or express. Almost, every week I stop at something and say to myself, 'Now what would thatha have had to say about that?'.

Around the world much has happened since you left. Oh! how you would have hated what is happening in Syria, Mali, and Egypt. The number of hours you would have sat at your radio and poured over The Hindu to know about the wars around the world. Fidel Castro withdrew from public life, Gaddafi and Hugo Chavez died, the EU is struggling, Obama became president for a second term, the Roman Catholic church and the Anglican Church got  new leaders. I'd have loved to have chatted about all these with you.But maybe the dementia of your last few years would have meant not reading enough and not keeping in touch with the current news.  Yeah...I'm sure you'd have been very vivid about WW II than Syria because your short term memory failed badly.

Something happened yesterday, five years after you left, almost to the day. About this you'd definitely have had something to say and i'd have loved to hear. Mrs. Margaret Thatcher the Iron Lady died yesterday. She was 87, and very ill  for the last 10 years of her life. Parts of the world simply loved her, the Americans, the Russians, and the Indians too. But Europe hated her and so did more than half of the UK, the rest of UK adored her. People are still so divided in their opinions about her. The BBC, the various TV channels, and newspapers had reels to say about her and I listened to almost every one of them. Yet, if you were here you'd have told me something about her that all the newsmedia in the world has not. And I am sad Thatha that i cant hear you today. 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Can't wait for Spring

Nothing now is green but the lawn.
All the trees and plants look forlorn.
No birds that happily chirp or sing
Nothing but pigeons that cannot sing.

No colours but white, blue and brown.
Colours in the sky and of branches barren.
No squirrels, magpies or even a raven.
Nothing does our moods and hearts liven.

When will we see beautiful hues.
Budding flowers and sprouting leaves.
When will we hear the birdie's song.
Soon it will spring, the wait isn't long.

Give me Sunshine

Not the rain that pours and floods.
Not the drizzle that dampens spirits.
Not the overcast that gloomily looms.
Not the cloud that comes and goes.
Not the white snow that falls in flakes.
Not the fog that blinds my eyes.
But the sunshine that brightens-I ask.
For in it, my soul truly delights.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Were you there at your funeral?

They said you were the best of the best.
They said you were so full of life.
They said you touched many a life.
They said you were loved by all the rest.

They said you died much before your time.
They came by the hundreds to see your face.
They came with loads of the loveliest flowers.
They spoke of you in such charming rhyme.

No one dared to criticise you.
No one said anything bad.
No one spoke of flaws in you.
No one was there, that was not sad.

Your mum and dad were very grieved,
Your siblings- of you were very proud.
No one was present who was not bereaved.
No one was discourteous, impolite or loud.

Oh! How I wish you’d known,
So many for you would mourn.
Oh! How I wish you'd heard-their words
So sweet, when you had lived.

Thursday 31 January 2013


Syria, synonymous with suffering.
Shelling, killing, people wailing.
None working for healing.
The world simply watching.

People fleeing,-as refugees living.
Neighbouring nations never welcoming.
Morning, noon and evening.
Pass on without meaning.

Wednesday 23 January 2013


Some we make as we enter the world,
For a while they remain our world.
Then they start to twist and turn,
They're not pleasant, we soon learn.

Some we make inadvertently in childhood,
Few, we keep at later times, rest we shed.
Some we work hard at making and keeping,
Later we wonder if they are worth keeping.

Very few we make based on ‘nothing’ really,
Expecting, demanding and wanting nothing.
Them that accept you just as you are –really,
Listening and reprimanding yet never judging.

These stand the test of time and grow,
Deeper and firmer when you hit a low.
Lean on these in confusing times,-and ignore
The ones that faded over the times.